--- title: "dySEM overview" resource_files: - img/scripts.png output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{dySEM-overview} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ```{r setup, echo = FALSE, message=FALSE} library(dySEM) library(dplyr) library(lavaan) DRES <- as_tibble(DRES) ``` ## Why `dySEM`? * Speeds up writing `lavaan` syntax for latent dyadic models * Makes it easy to share your code * Helps prevent typos or model-misspecifications mucking up your analyses and/or reporting * Creates figures and "90% Ready" tables of results for you ## The `dySEM` Workflow at a Glance `dySEM` is designed to be maximally useful if you are following some best-practices for reproducibility when using *R*. Namely, using a separate directory with an R Studio Project (`.Rproj`, see [here](https://r4ds.had.co.nz/workflow-projects.html) if you are new to using projects) will allow `dySEM` to be more helpful, by creating sub-folders for your `scripts` and `output` where it will automatically save any scripts you create, or any tables and/or figures of output that you create. `dySEM` will still do these things without the use of an R Studio project, but all bets are off for where R Studio will attempt to save them. A typical `dySEM` workflow is then as follows: 1. Import and wrangle your **Data** to a *dyad structure data set* 1. **Scrape** variables from your data frame 1. **Script** your preferred model 1. **Fit** and **Inspect** your scripted model using `lavaan` 1. **Output** statistical table(s) and or visualization(s) You might also use optional `dySEM` calculators after Step 3 to **get** some additional information. These families of functions--***Scrapers***, ***Scripters***, and ***Outputters***, and ***Getters***--are listed and described in the [Reference](https://jsakaluk.github.io/dySEM/reference/index.html) We now demonstrate a typical `dySEM` workflow, using the built-in [`DRES`](https://github.com/jsakaluk/dySEM/blob/0ceb8440ac71ce00777853cff4a7d177cf2a6db5/R/DRES-data.R) data (Raposo, Impett, & Muise, 2020), in order to perform dyadic confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). More elaborate and specific vignettes are forthcoming to provide didactic materials for conducting other sorts of dyadic data analyses via `dySEM`. ## 1. Import and Wrangle Data We will use a subset of [`DRES`](https://github.com/jsakaluk/dySEM/blob/0ceb8440ac71ce00777853cff4a7d177cf2a6db5/R/DRES-data.R), consisting of 121 dyadic couples' ratings of relationship quality on 9 of the PRQC (Fletcher, Simpson, & Thomas, 2000) indicators (1 = *not at all*, 7 = *extremely*; all indicators positively keyed). Structural equation modeling (SEM) programs like `lavaan` require dyadic data to be in *dyad structure dataset*, whereby each row contains the data for one dyad, with separate columns for each observation (in this case, indicator variables of latent relationship quality) made for each member of the dyad. We may eventually build in data-transformation functions to go from various data structures to a *dyad structure*, but for now, we recommend [`tidyr::pivot_wider`](https://tidyr.tidyverse.org/reference/pivot_wider.html) or the tools provided by [Ledermann & Kenny (2014)](http://davidakenny.net/RDDD.htm) Like many real-world analytic contexts, [`DRES`](https://github.com/jsakaluk/dySEM/blob/0ceb8440ac71ce00777853cff4a7d177cf2a6db5/R/DRES-data.R) contains a number of other variables that we aren't interested in modeling at this time (specifically, 5 indicators of sexual satisfaction from the [GMSEX](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16123841/) for each dyad member). This will not be a problem for `dySEM`. Our data set therefore results in a tibble that is 121 (# of couples) x 28 ((9 PRQC items + 5 GMSEX items) x 2 (# of dyad members)): ```{r previewtib} DRES ``` ## 2. Scrape The first step in a typical `dySEM` workflow is to **scrape** the indicator variables that are to feature in your latent dyadic model. The scraping functions in `dySEM` accomplish this by making an important but reasonable (in most cases) assumptions about how the useR has named their indicator variables. Specifically: > Indicator variables of a latent variable will be named in a highly repetitious manner, distinguished by partner using two numbers or characters ### Anatomy of a Repetitious Indicator Name The `dySEM` scrapers consider appropriately repetitiously named indicators as consisting of at least three distinct elements: **s**tem, **i**tem, and **p**artner. For longitudinal designs, a fourth element--**t**ime is also considered to be part of the repetitious structure of variable names, but we cover longitudinal variable-scraping in a separate vignette. **delimiter** characters (e.g., ".", "_") are commonly--but not always--used to separate some/all of these elements. **TO DO: MAKE THIS SIMPLER AND START WITH VISUALS AT THIS POINT** 1. The indicator **s**tem (i.e., the character(s) that captures to which scale/latent variable the indicators correspond, e.g., "PRQC", "sexsat", "BFI", etc.). The contents of indicator stems will vary considerably both within and between data sets. 1. The indicator **i**tem number (i.e, the number that captures which indicator--within a set of indicators of some *n* length--is located in a given column, e.g., 1-9 for our PRQC items) 1. And the number or character **p**artner capturing to which member of the dyad (the first or second) a given indicator corresponds (e.g., "A" or "B", "M" or "F", "1" or "2"). ***Note***: this is only about variable selection; this has no bearing on whether a given dyadic model is specified to be (in)distinguishable (which is determined by the **script**). `dySEM` scrapers largely function by asking you to specify in what order the elements of variable names are ordered. For example: * `x_order = "sip"` would scrape variable names according to a **s**tem --> **i**tem --> **p**artner order (e.g., PRQC) ### Using `dySEM` Scrapers The `scrapeVarCross` function is your `dySEM` scraper for cross-sectional dyadic data. It can accommodate scraping indicators for models featuring one latent variable (e.g., as in our dyadic CFA), as well as bivariate latent variable models, such as the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM). We cover scraping and scripting of these bivariate models in other vignettes. We first supply our data frame, `DRES`. We want to extract our PRQC indicators, which have the following properties: * a reoccuring **S**tem of "PRQC" * distinguishing **P**artner characters of "1" and "2" * a "sip" (**S**tem, **I**tem, **P**artner) order of elements * the **S** and **I** are separated by a "_" **delimiter** * the **I** and **P** are separated by a "." **delimiter** Feeding this information to `scrapeVarCross` is quite straightforward: ```{r scrape} dvn <- scrapeVarCross(DRES, x_order = "sip", x_stem = "PRQC", x_delim1="_",x_delim2=".", distinguish_1="1", distinguish_2="2") ``` Before looking at what `scrapeVarCross` returns, you may be wondering: 1. Where is information about **I**tem number for each indicator specified? And... 1. What should you do if your indicator names don't use two (or any) delimiting characters? The answer to 1. is that **I**tem number is automatically captured "behind the scenes" by `scrapeVarCross`. Specifically, `scrapeVarCross` searches for (and then captures) any variable names containing your stem and *any* digit(s) (using a regular expression). The answer to 2. is that you would simply omit the `x_delim1` and/or `x_delim2` arguments--by default, `scrapeVarCross` will create variable names from **S** **I** and **P** without any separating delimiters, unless you declare a character in one/both delimiter arguments. `scrapeVarCross` returns a generic list (which I refer to as a `dvn` for a list of "dyad variable names") consisting of 6 (or 9, if scraping for a bivariate model) elements: 1. a vector of indicator names for the first member of the dyad 1. a vector of indicator names for the second member of the dyad 1. a number capturing how many indicators per dyad member were stored 1. the distinguishing character in names for indicators from the first member of the dyad 1. the distinguishing character in names for indicators from the second member of the dyad 1. the total number of indicators scraped This might not seem like much, but the list returned by `scrapeVarCross` contains *all* the information needed to automate the scripting of `lavaan` syntax for virtually any dyadic SEM that you can imagine. ## 3. Script The `script...()` **TODO**: CREATE/LINK to family in Reference on pkgdown site: family of functions in `dySEM` simplify the process of accurately and reproducibly scripting dyadic SEMs to a singleton line of R code. Each *Scripter* function is a wrapper for a series of *Helper* functions (see [`scriptHelpers.R`](https://github.com/jsakaluk/dySEM/blob/0ceb8440ac71ce00777853cff4a7d177cf2a6db5/R/scriptHelpers.R) if you are interested) that snatch the information about the indicators they need from a saved `dvn` object and combine it with other text to write the `lavaan` syntax for a particular part of the measurement (e.g., factor loadings, item intercepts) or structural (e.g., regression slopes, factor means) portion of your model. *Scripter* functions like [`scriptCor`](https://github.com/jsakaluk/dySEM/blob/master/R/scriptCor.R) typically require only three arguments to be specified: 1. the `dvn` object (e.g., from `scrapeVarCross`) to be used to script the model 1. a mostly arbitrary name for the latent variable(s) you are modeling (bivariate model scripting functions like `scriptAPIM` have you input two names) 1. the kind of parameter equality constraints that you wish to be imposed (if any), such as those corresponding to particular levels of measurement invariance (e.g., "loading"), or even a fully "indistinguishable" model (i.e., in which all measurement and structural parameters are constrained to equality between partners) If you plan on scripting multiple models, I recommend that you name the output of `Scripters` to include information about the latent variable's name (from 2.) and model (from 3.). For example, if we were to use `scriptCor` to generate scripts for an indistinguishable CFA (i.e., both imposing dyadic invariance and equality of latent variances and means between partners [the default options for the constr_dy_meas and constr_dy_struct arguments]) of the PRQC items we scraped, we could specify ```{r configscript} qual.indist.script <- scriptCor(dvn, lvname = "Quality") ``` `scriptCor` returns to your environment an (ugly, to the human-eyes) character object consisting of the `lavaan` syntax corresponding to the model that matches the *Scripter* function (i.e., in this case a CFA) and input for the `model` argument (i.e., configurally invariant). The modeling efficiency and accuracy gained via `dySEM`'s automated scripting may already be apparent, but becomes painfully obvious once you leverage `dySEM` to quickly script a sequence of competing models (e.g., from configural invariance CFA --> fully indistinguishable CFA) ```{r scriptsequence} qual.res.script <- scriptCor(dvn, lvname = "Quality", constr_dy_meas = c("loadings", "intercepts", "residuals"), constr_dy_struct = c("none")) qual.int.script <- scriptCor(dvn, lvname = "Quality", constr_dy_meas = c("loadings", "intercepts"), constr_dy_struct = c("none")) qual.load.script <- scriptCor(dvn, lvname = "Quality", constr_dy_meas = c("loadings"), constr_dy_struct = c("none")) qual.config.script <- scriptCor(dvn, lvname = "Quality", constr_dy_meas = c("none"), constr_dy_struct = c("none")) ``` The scripting of longitudinal dyadic SEM models is not yet supported by `dySEM`, but we hope to develop this functionality in the next year or two. ## 4. Fit and Inspect By design, we have attempted to avoid functionality pertaining to model-fitting and inspection in `dySEM`: `lavaan` does that perfectly well itself. We therefore strongly recommend that you cultivate a command of `lavaan`'s basic functionality before delving too far with `dySEM`--the package [tutorial website](https://lavaan.ugent.be/tutorial/index.html) is a very good place to get started. You can immediately pass any script(s) returned from a `dySEM` scripter (e.g., `scriptCor`) to your intended `lavaan` wrapper (we recommend `cfa`--be sure to disable any options that might fix parameters, as the scripter has already taken care of manually specifying which parameters to fix or estimate), with your preferred estimator and missing data treatment. For example, with dyadic invariance testing, we recommend starting with the most parsimonious model (an indistinguishable model), and gradually relaxing constraints on different groups of parameters: ```{r modelfit, warning= FALSE} #Fit fully indistinguishable model qual.ind.fit <- lavaan::cfa(qual.indist.script, data = DRES, std.lv = FALSE, auto.fix.first= FALSE, meanstructure = TRUE) #Fit residual invariance model qual.res.fit <- lavaan::cfa(qual.res.script, data = DRES, std.lv = FALSE, auto.fix.first= FALSE, meanstructure = TRUE) #Fit intercept invariance model qual.int.fit <- lavaan::cfa(qual.int.script, data = DRES, std.lv = FALSE, auto.fix.first= FALSE, meanstructure = TRUE) #Fit loading invariance model qual.load.fit <- lavaan::cfa(qual.load.script, data = DRES, std.lv = FALSE, auto.fix.first= FALSE, meanstructure = TRUE) #Fit configural invariance model qual.config.fit <- lavaan::cfa(qual.config.script, data = DRES, std.lv = FALSE, auto.fix.first= FALSE, meanstructure = TRUE) ``` At this point, the full arsenal of `lavaan` model-inspecting tools are at your disposal. Two that you will almost certainly want to make use of are `summary` and `anova`. `summary` will useful for printing model fit information as well as parameter estimates and tests to your console. For example: ```{r summary, eval = FALSE} summary(qual.config.fit, fit.measures = TRUE, standardized = TRUE, rsquare = TRUE) ``` `anova`, meanwhile, will enable you to perform comparisons of competing nested dyadic models. For example: ```{r anova} anova(qual.config.fit, qual.load.fit, qual.int.fit, qual.res.fit, qual.ind.fit) ``` You can learn about what other kinds of detail you can extract from a fitted `lavaan` model [here](https://lavaan.ugent.be/tutorial/inspect.html). ## 5. Output `dySEM` also contains functionality to help you quickly, correctly, and reproducibly generate output from your fitted model(s), in the forms of path diagrams and/or tables of statistical values. Path diagram creation is supported via the [`semPlot`](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=semPlot) package's `semPaths` function. Tabling, meanwhile, supports (optional) returning of [`gt`](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=gt) tables, which can be further customized for publication-quality output (however functionality defaults to merely returning a data frame). For tabling, the useR must specify the `dvn` of scraped variables used to script the model and the type of model being outputted (e.g., "cfa"). For both tabling and path diagraming, UseRs can specify a directory path to where they want their file(s) to be written and saved (e.g., setting `writeTo = "."` to save in the current working directory). UseRs can further specify what kind of path diagram (e.g., using standardized or unstandardized value) or tables (e.g., featuring measurement- or structural-model parameter, or both) are created. ```{r dyoutput, eval = FALSE} outputParamTab(dvn, model = "cfa", fit = qual.indist.fit, tabletype = "measurement", writeTo = tempdir(), fileName = "cfa_indist") outputParamFig(fit = qual.indist.fit, figtype = "standardized", writeTo = tempdir(), fileName = "cfa_indist") ```